Craft the perfect balance of flavour, texture, and aroma as a Cheesemaker.

Craft the perfect balance of flavour, texture, and aroma as a Cheesemaker. Transform milk into a myriad of delectable cheeses, each with its own unique character and story.

As a Cheesemaker, you’ll be part artist, part scientist, and part culinary expert. In this role, you will work with various types of milk, cultures, and equipment to create a wide range of cheeses. You’ll operate pasteurisers, vats, presses, and aging rooms, carefully controlling temperature, humidity, and other factors that influence cheese development.

Your deep understanding of fermentation processes, flavour profiles, and food safety will be crucial in producing high-quality cheeses. You’ll also need to stay updated on industry trends and consumer preferences to develop new and exciting cheese varieties. In this role, you will be deeply involved in the entire cheesemaking process, from milk reception to final packaging. You’ll assess the quality of incoming milk, adjusting your recipes and techniques based on seasonal variations in milk composition. You’ll carefully measure and add cultures and rennet, monitoring the curdling process with a trained eye. As the cheese forms, you’ll cut, stir, and heat the curds with precision, knowing that each action influences the final product. You’ll then oversee the moulding, pressing, and salting stages, each step requiring careful attention to detail. Furthermore, as a Cheesemaker, you’ll be responsible for the crucial aging process. You’ll manage the aging rooms, controlling temperature and humidity to create the perfect environment for each cheese variety. You’ll regularly inspect the cheeses, turning them and brushing or washing the rinds as needed.

Your expertise will be essential in determining when each cheese has reached its peak flavour and texture. You’ll also conduct sensory evaluations, tasting cheeses at various stages of maturation to ensure they’re developing as intended. Your refined palate and ability to detect subtle flavour nuances will be key in maintaining consistency and quality across batches.

Your role may include duties as follows:

  1. Select and prepare milk and cultures for cheese production
  2. Monitor and control the cheese-making process
  3. Manage cheese aging and maturation
  4. Conduct quality tests and sensory evaluations
  5. Develop new cheese recipes and varieties

Generally, this position is an entry level role and often no experience is required. To build foundation, entry-level skills in food manufacturing, you can undertake a Certificate II in Food Processing (FBP20122). In addition, a Certificate III in Food Processing (FBP30121), which can be completed as a traineeship.

Often these certificates are not mandatory for employment, however if you have an interest in becoming a cheesemaker, you can apply directly to an employer.

Research potential employers in your area via a search engine, social media or job site. Even if there are no jobs advertised with the employer you’re interested in, it can be a good idea to send a cover letter with your resume expressing your interest.

Also Known As:
  • Cheese Production Specialist
  • Specialty Cheese Producer
  • Fromagier
A Quick Look
Key Skills:

Skills which may benefit anyone considering a job as a cheesemaker include:

  • Craftsmanship
  • Innovation
  • Microbiology
  • Sensory
  • Time management
Values & Attributes:

Values and attributes of anyone considering a job as a cheesemaker include:

  • Patience
  • Creative
  • Meticulous
  • Passionate
  • Adaptable
  • Investigative – “Thinker”
Recommended School Subjects:
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Health
  • Science in Practice
Core School Subjects:
  • Essential Mathematics
  • Essential English
  • Hospitality Practices
Related Industries

Salary Expectations

The expected salary for a Cheesemaker can vary across different areas of manufacturing and may vary as you become more experienced.


If you are seeking employment in this role, you can undertake a traineeship. Traineeships are available in certificate II and certificate III level qualifications:

  • Certificate II in Food Processing (FBP20122)
  • Certificate III in Food Processing (FBP30121)

Specialisations exist for the certificate III traineeship, including in dairy processing which may be advantageous.

As a trainee you will combine work with formal training, allowing you to gain practical skills and knowledge in a specific industry while earning a salary.

Duration: Traineeships typically last between 12 to 24 months, depending on the specific program and whether you are working full-time or part-time.

Work and Study Combination: As a trainee you will work either full-time or part-time while receiving formal training from a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Eligibility: Generally, traineeships do not require formal qualifications to enter, making them accessible to a wide range of individuals, including if you are a school leaver or someone looking to change careers.

Completion: On completion you will receive a nationally recognised qualification, showcasing your skill and experience.

Skills, qualifications, accreditations and licences

As a Cheesemaker you may choose to pursue other training or certifications, licences and tickets. Qualifications and skills may be required to progress to supervisor or team leader positions.

Qualifications that may help you advance in your career include:

  • Certificate III in Food Processing (FBP30121)
  • Certificate IV in Food Processing (FBP40321)
  • Diploma of Artisan Cheesemaking (FBP50321)

Holding a degree in manufacturing, human resources, finance, economics, marketing or management can be helpful if you are considering taking a step into leadership or a business ownership position.

It could also be useful to hold specialist qualifications in food technology or science:

  • Bachelor of Food Science and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science

To further your career and step into more senior roles, an MBA or other advanced degree may be beneficial.

Career progression

In this role, you may have the opportunity to progress to other positions. Career progression opportunities include:

Explore the food and beverage processing industry

The food and beverage industry is a vibrant and diverse area that plays a crucial role in the country’s economy and culture. From iconic brands to artisanal producers, this industry encompasses a wide range of products that cater to domestic and international markets. With a reputation for high-quality, safe, and innovative food products, our manufacturers are at the forefront of meeting changing consumer preferences and global food trends.

Food and beverage processing industry